This section contains bugs related to Daggers (Skyrim). These two statistics are consistent for all daggers regardless of material therefore, they are not included in the table below. Most daggers have an attack Speed of 1.3 and a maximum Reach of 0.7. a Greatsword will easily penetrate a dagger's block, although some damage is still absorbed by the dagger. The dagger, being the smallest of the wield-able weapon, is the weakest one to use for blocking, since weapons larger than the blocking weapon will force damage through, i.e.

When dual wielding daggers with the Assassin's Blade perk and Shrouded Gloves, the daggers sneak attack can do a total of 30x damage. Of course, because of their low damage, daggers are best used when dual-wielded, or in conjunction with another, stronger weapon or spell. Since the dagger has a shorter reach than most other weapons, it is suitable for fighting in close quarters and avoiding hitting friendly characters or creatures accidentally. Even though daggers do not do as much damage per hit as other One-Handed weapons like the Sword, Mace, or War Axe, the dagger's attack speed is faster, allowing the wielding character to be more nimble and making the dagger a very suitable weapon for the Thief.